Osage Orange Bodok Hedge Balls
Hedge Balls, Orange Apples, Horse Apples, Hedge Balls. There is Male and Female trees. Only one of them produces the Orange Apple Fruit. Each dimple on the outside represents a seed on the inside. Each osage oranges apple has lot of seeds.
Stack of Osage Orange Bodok Wood
The wood is harvested in the Midwest
Cutting Board 1 by X. Pieces of Hard Wood Osage Orange for Sale
The wood is harvested locally in the midwest.
Osage Orange wood
Cracking and Checks do happen in Osage Orange drying
Comparison of Janka hardness of woods. LBF
Osage Orange 2,620
Hickory, Pecan 1,820
Hard Maple 1,450
White Oak 1,360
Beech 1,300
Red Oak 1,290
Yellow Birch 1,260
Green Ash 1,200
Black Walnut 1,010
Soft Maple 950
Cherry 950
Hack berry 880
Gum 850
Elm 830
Sycamore 770
Alder 590
Yellow Poplar 540
Cottonwood 430
Basswood 410
Aspen 350
Comparison of hardness of woods. LBF
Osage Orange 2,620
Hickory, Pecan
Hard Maple
White Oak